
At Essay Prop Maters, we give you amazing guarantees, based on our policies. We as Assignment Writers Group, protect our customers by the Revision Policy, Privacy Policy and the Plagiarism-free Guarantee. Why do we write them here? Because it is important for you to know your rights and guarantees.

High-Quality Essays

We guaranteed you a high-quality essay, no matter how tedious or hard the instructions may be. We accept tedious papers as a challenge to give you what you expect. Our team of experts, who are all postgraduates, will ensure that you get a high-quality custom essay, no matter the level of difficulty.

Revision Policy

The Essay Prop Msters team makes sure that you get top-class assistance. We have over ten years of experience in academic writing. The management, therefore, has the required experience to offer assistance to students to ensure that are satisfied. We are here to listen to you on a 24/7 base system. We wish to remind you, however, that we will make the revision for free in case the revision request comes under the terms mentioned below:

  • Your instructions: The revision details have to be the same and should not contradict with the instructions you gave earlier.
  • Submissions: You have to submit the request for revision on time.
  • Deadlines: You will be allowed to ask for a revision as you wish, but it has to be before approving the order; however, you have just seven days after the order is first approved in order to ask for a revision.

In case you think that you need a major revision for the order that you placed, then you can ask for a revision seven days post the order is approved; you may have to make an additional payment. Contact us for the prices.


We guarantee the authenticity and confidentiality of all the customers’ information. We don’t sell customers’ papers and we don’t disclose the customers’ private information, not even to the writers.

No Plagiarism

We understand that plagiarism is a serious offense and we check every essay before submitting it to the customer. We have a powerful plagiarism checker tool that we use to check the originality of the papers. We also upgrade our too regularly to ensure that it gives us accurate results.